Švédští Shining odtajnili informace o chystané novince, která ponese název IX – Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends a vyjde 20.dubna u Season of Mist. Skupina chystá nový klip a dokument. Níže prohlášení Niklase.

„For once I am extremely pleased with how the album turned out and I believe that the fevered presence of filth and uncompromising darkness is more prominent than ever before. Not only will our more recent fan-base „enjoy“ the oppression contained therein but I am also certain that those who stopped listening to Shining after our fifth album will find the new one plague-ridden with what some might have felt was lacking on the more recent efforts… that atmosphere of old.“


O autorovi

Ze slov věty skládám pro iDnes a web Technet, společnosti Tiscali, Digital Plus a hudební stránky Marastmusic, Obscuro, Metalirium a The Haunted Mind. Navíc pracuji na své první knize a sbírce básní.

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