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The biggest moments are the biggest losses It’s like nothing you know Noise that I can never share Finnish men drown their sorrow I had prepared set of questions but the interview took a totally different turn. What happened and how it happened was utterly unexpected and thereby on the other hand exactly what one might have thought, considering the description that Pasi Koskinen has been known to be unpredictable. But let’s go back to the start. Finding no media person I had written to the band directly and after quite some time the manager replied. He would manage to…

The Beast is Born The Beasts in the Mixer The Berserk and the Beast’s Evolution The Beast Whispers and Roars The Beast is Alive and Hungry The Beast Learns to Dance No One Can Stop the Beast Meeting Anton Kabanen was surprising in many ways. He has changed since leaving Battle Beast and as far as I can say for the better. I met a considerate yet confident musician full of plans and apparently not only I do regard him very capable of achieving those goals he set for himself and his new band: Beast in Black. This Beast in…

So, it finally happened. The long awaited new album of Finnish Wintersun has seen the light. This album will surely attract a lot of admirers and Nuclear Blast will profit. The box set, which is nicely done, contains a big portion of music, from which the most interesting is the 54 minutes of the new songs. Wintersun walked on the thin ice, for due to the massive propagation of their work and thanks to the success of their previous album ‘Time I.’, they put themselves at mercy of reviewers and critical fans. And the executioners are preparing their axes. I’m…

We have prepared for you an interview with Reinhard Grabler, the director of Sea Shepherd Austria. As you may know, Brutal Assault has started cooperation with this organization. For more information, keep reading… At first, can you please introduce Sea Shepherd to our readers, who haven´t heard about you before? What is your mission? Our mission is to protect the marine environment, stop the slaughter or marine animals and thereby conserve the oceans for future generations. We are an army of volunteers, that active worldwide with our own fleet of 10 ships. Sea Shepherd’s approach is direct action, we are…

Meeting S-Tool This is gonna be a killer album! Fed up with corporation music business We’re on this together The arse of the elephant Meeting S-Tool Arranging the meeting with S-Tool was a bit surprising. As I did not find a media contact, I wrote to the band directly. I knew they had read the mail immediately and still nothing happened for weeks. So only short before Nummirock I sent a reminder. “Of course we do it!“ was the reply, very quickly by the way. How could I have doubted? Well never mind, their media folks arranged the details. Waiting…

Jak už určitě stačili pravidelní i náhodní čtenáři Obscura zaznamenat, naše redakce je informovala pravidelně o své účasti na festivalu Nummirock ve Finsku. Redakci se opravdu podařilo získat akreditaci na Nummirock a vyslat svého zástuce. Respektive zástupkyni. Nadaná fotografka a naše externí redaktorka Katja Gessner dostala možnost užívat si jednoho z nejlepších finských festivalů hodně zblízka. Tady je její ohlédnutí za proběhlým festivalem, který přinesl výběr toho nejlepšího z finské metalové scény. „Říkala jsem, že chci posílat reporty každou hodinu nebo tak něco? No, tak to nefunguje. Neustále přebíhám od jedné úžasné kapely ke druhé, abych je mohla fotit, promluvit si s nimi,…

Intro We just do what we do Introversion in its many forms Patience, precision and a hole in the wall We all love the bass The hawk, the spirit, the cat and … The 7th member, the elephant and Ukko Intro Meeting this band of introvert childhood friends in their Nummirock camp was a very moving experience. Only while doing this script I got aware how deep I dug into their souls and how much trust and faith they granted me in return. Thank you Vorna! Once more the interview and so consequently also this script is a long one.…

I met Björn Strid in the back stage oft he Tuska Metal Open Air Festival which is actually not the best place to take an interview. Apparently the organizers are incapable of providing a rather quiet room for interviews. So we sit more or less literally behind the stage with noisy traffic from the road beyond the festival area making it even harder to understand my interviewee. While Björn still complains on the heat of the last weekends, he spent on festivals in continental Europe I am very willing to exchange the rainy cold from Nummirock weather for one of…

Post-sludge/hardcore kapela Amenra chystá na letošní rok k vydání další řadovku, která se bude jmenovat „Mass VI“. Vyjde 20. října pod křídly Neurot Recordings. Níže si můžete prohlédnout fotografie, vytvořené Stephanem Vanfleterenem, které budou dílo doprovázet. Rovněž byl uvolněn teaser k nové desce. Album pomohl nahrát legendární americký producent Billy Anderson. Deska byla zaznamenávána v belgických Ardenách, kde byla obklopena hustými temnými lesy, které určitě přispějí k  temnému a chladnému výrazu, který je pro toto těleso tak blízký. Brzy můžete očekávat cover alba a první předobědnávky. Proto sledujte stránky kapely. Tracklist: 01. Children Of The Eye 02. Edelkroone 03. Plus…

Chapters of the interview: Relieved from death. Death. Death. More than just a metal band Naked on stage Mental Freedom Superheroes and antiheroes What is music? There are good and not so good and actually senseless slots to meet a band for an interview. And perhaps only few hours after their after show party, bleary and perhaps hangovered might easily end in a one way road or chaos. But meeting Kaunis Kuolematon turned out to be just amazing. They granted deep insights into their dynamics and their relationship to their music and lyrics and the crucial role the Finnish language…

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