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New Mecanica has a new song to start 2020. CHILDREN OF THE SUN by Dead Can Dance was the track chosen to cover. Daniel Cardoso (Anathema), with whom the band had worked with on their first album in 2008, mixed and mastered the final product.


New Mecanica decided to start the year with new and free music for anyone who wants to listen. We had been wanting to work on a cover song for some time, but we couldn’t decide which one. Then, the opportunity came along to work on a cover of CHILDREN OF THE SUN by Dead Can Dance, a song with which we identified immediately. We were very happy with what we were able to come up with and gave it our own personal touch. It is a Dead Can Dance song but with a New Mecanica feel. We hope you like it as much as we do!”

O autorovi

Prakticky neexistuje nic, co bych o sobě nevěděl, ale zároveň nic, co bych chtěl, aby věděli ostatní. Podstata tajemna :-)

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